Top 7 Destinations to Visit This Year

Now I haven’t had a holiday in a couple of years, so you can imagine the list of destinations I’ve been dreaming of whilst sat at my desk getting on with some sort of mundane task. Of course there are way more than 7, but if I were to book a holiday tomorrow these are the places I’d be choosing!


I think the inspiration for this trip actually came from Keeping Up with the Kardashians, if I’m honest. There’s no better way to take a sneak peek at a destination than to watch a couple of hours of footage, and this definitely got me interested. Plus they don’t have great signal out there from what I’ve gathered and I could definitely do with a week away from the internet!

Image Courtesy of Fathom | via

New York

This is somewhere that I’ve always dreamed of visiting but I’ve never quite had the funds! I absolutely adore big cities so the buzz of New York is what draws me in! That of course, along with the shopping and variety of food, which is something I don’t have many options of where I live.

Image Courtesy of Gentle Giant | via


Australia is another place that I’ve always dreamed of visiting, although the idea of the insects and snakes does put me off a little! From what I’ve gathered, it can get pretty hot throughout the year and although I don’t cope too well with heat, I’d happily risk a bit of sun stroke to bask in the sun drinking cocktails on an Australian beach!



I can’t tell you how many times I’ve searched through photos of Barbados on travel sites, but it’s definitely near the top of my list. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is that draws me in, but something definitely does. It’s exotic and peaceful and I’m definitely wishing I was there right now!

Image Courtesy of Hooked On Travelling | via 


Budapest isn’t so much a ‘lay on the beach sipping cocktails’ place as it’s more of a city destination and that draws me in just as much. Sure, it’s great to sit around doing nothing for a week, but if you’re up for a bit more adventure then a city break is ideal. Budapest has a lot of sight-seeing to keep you entertained and the temperature does rise in the summer, making it perfect for a weekend trip to forget about work!

Image Courtesy of Iron Man | via


The last holiday I had was in Malta and I’d definitely recommend it! We didn’t spend too much time at the beach (or anywhere other than the pool for that matter) but the locals were very welcoming. The heat was insane and the sea was that perfect shade of blue. I’d definitely go back at some point!


I went to Eygpt a long time ago now and believe it or not, I didn’t see the pyramids. Of course I had a camel ride, but I’ve always wondered why we never took the trip to the pyramids, so I’d love to go back one day and see for myself what they’re all about! Other than that, the beaches are lovely and hotel staff can’t do enough for you. The food wasn’t amazing but there’s always something for everyone if you stay in a resort!

Image Courtesy of Egypt Now | via