Top Nail Colors For The Fall

As the time again is fast approaching us, the cold sharp air, the rain becoming heavier and golden leaves around us on the streets being blown off the trees... These things all mark the beginning of autumn. 

The dilemma we have as a girl is, what nail polish do I wear? Is it something bright or is it something darker more autumnal to go with the weather outside. Is it a cooler more pastel color or is it a warmer colors we choose.

Well, today we bring you our top ten autumn nail polish colors that will get you through the transition from summer to winter. So stick to reading this article if you want to know more...

Earthy tones such as light greys, khaki greens and toupes are a must have as the weather turns crisp as these colors are very traditional autumn colors.

Bright reds and purples become a thing of the past as the summer months disintegrate into thin air... Well, if you aren't wanting to get rid of these color completely from your nail try darker reds and purples. These colors help us feel warm and cozy while they too are very traditional colors for autumn.

Orange, yes it's a very typical Halloween color but why not go full out as Halloween approaches fast upon us. Orange is a warm color so on those chillier days it will help you feel warmer when braving the cold.

Dark blues: dark blue is another color which begins to resemble autumn as the nights draw in and the daylight becomes lessened. Blue was a very trendy nail color last autumn, so it's more than probably going to be big this autumn.

Slate taupe purple: lilacs/ light purples may be for summer/ spring but these slate taupe purples are fabulous for colder weather.

Dark blue greens are a great way towards the end of autumn to start bringing Christmas vibes to our lives to kick-start the excitement of the upcoming festive season.

Metallic jewel colors are also great for the upcoming festive events which will occur during autumn. The metallic jewel colors will also go very well during guy fox night (for you Brits). When metallic colors hit different lighting they create different colors almost like two fireworks beside each other.

We hope you have had some inspiration as to what colors you may be choosing to paint your nails this autumn.