How to clean your boots!

Boots are an amazing apart of any person shoe closet. But as seasons change, a lot of wear and tear can bring them to look like you don’t take care of them. So to solve your problems, below I have a few tricks and tips to help you.


  • Salt Lines

Currently I live in Saint Louis, and outside of the fact that I don’t like cold weather or snow. I have to deal with it until I move to that wonderful sunny all year around state. I still take care of my items and dress appropriately. If you live in a icy, salt field state or country, I am pretty sure you had a ring around your shoe. Now you can for sure take your boots to a shoe repair store to clean them, but nothing beats free! So, take warm water, vinegar, dab the towel on the boots and let the boots dry away from heat.


  • Scuff Marks

So scuff makes me so annoying and I might be tempted do other things with my boots. But instead, take luke warm water and baking soda. Once their clean, buff them dry.

  • What about Suede?

With sude, there needs to be a different approach. Grab a larger eraser (grab one at the dollar store in the kids section), or sand them away with a emery board. To raise the nap on the boot, clean with a tooth brush or towel.


  • How to avoid all of this!

Before you step foot out in four inch snow, spray them with water repellent coating . This works on both leather and Suede. Trying spraying it on both on and off season and after cleaning them.

  • Items to invest in

Baking soda

Saddle soap

Water and Stain repellent