5-Minute Make Up Routine

Hey everyone! My topic for this week is the 5-minute make up routine. Most women do not have time to spend 20 minutes on their make up in the morning but still want to look presentable for their day. The problem with creating an ultimate 5-minute make up routine is that everyone’s face and skin problems are unique to them. In this blog I will go over base, cheeks, lashes and lips. My suggestion is that if you have a problem area that you do not like, such as uneven skin, focus your time on that. The extra time you have at the end can be focused on things that you’ve skipped!

Base (1 to 2 minutes)

            My biggest problem is dark circles under my eyes and some uneven spots on my chin. If you have uneven skin I HIGHLY suggest Tarte’s CC Primer Stick and CC Undereye Corrector (both pictured below). These products are wonderful for quick color correction. If you have even skin then you can simply use a little concealer down the center of your face to cover any dark spots or shadows. Then apply a simply sheer powder to further even out your skin tone. This process should only take 1 to 2 minutes depending on your skin issues.

                                                                                                                                         Buy them here.

Cheeks (1 minute)

            With only five minutes, you want to do a quick natural cheek so you have a nice dewy look. If you’re like me, your whole goal for makeup in the morning is just to make yourself look more awake than you actually are. Cheek stain or even lipstick can help you achieve this. To find your perfect blush color, simply take your hand and palm up stretch your fingers back as far as you can. The color of your fingertip is the natural color of your blush.

Just make sure that you have stretched your hand back far enough to get the perfect blush color. I recommend Tarte’s cheek stains and powder blushes. They have a great selection on colors and lip colors to match (pictured below). Simply apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks.


                                                                                                                                                  Buy them here.

Lashes (1 minute)

            Lashes should be simple. Simply curl your lashes and apply your favorite mascara. Some of my favorites are Better Than Sex by Too Faced and Lights, Camera, Lashes by Tarte. Both mascaras will give you nice volume and full natural looking lashes. A good rule of thumb is to toss your mascara every three weeks. The chemicals in the mascara will make the alcohol in the product stronger and it becomes harder on your lashes as the product gets older.

                                                                                                                   Buy the Tarte Mascara here and the Too Faced here.

ProTip: You can buy travel sizes of more expensive mascaras so you save money and don’t feel bad tossing it after a few weeks!

Lips (1 minute)

            When it comes to quick lips, I highly suggest using a lip color or stain that is close to your natural lip color to enhance your beauty. Stains will last longer on your lips throughout the day. If you can find a cheek and lip stain product that works well for you that’s great! I again recommend Tarte’s line of lip colors (pictured below). Tarte tends to carry lip colors that match naturally. Depending on the time of the day or how you’re feeling you can add a clear coat for shiny lips.

                                                                                                                                               Buy them here.

Break Down

  • Base (1 to 2 Minutes)

  • Cheeks (1 minute)

  • Lashes (1 Minute)

  • Lips (1 Minute)

Total time 5 minutes.

            If you have time after finishing your full routine you can go back and add some powder to your base if you haven’t already or even use a little highlighter or bronzer to do a little quick contouring. The most important thing about having a 5-minute make up routine is just to keep it natural. Make sure all your lines are blended if you do use browner to do some minimal contouring!

If you have any questions about this blog or the products listed, please feel free to ask!


Stay beautiful,
