5 Ways To Disguise a Bad Hair Day

We have all experienced it, no matter how much you want to deny it… those dreadful bad hair days. Sometimes it’s because you fell asleep with a messy bun still tied up or you slept funny or it could even be the humid weather, but once you wake up with bad hair, it’s not a easy fix. A typical scenario that often happens is waking up with 15 minutes to get ready, 10 minutes will go towards your make up routine, leaving you only 5 minutes to fix that crazy hair. Today’s blog post will feature a few great ways to disguise a bad hair day. And I have been there, especially back in the days when I had super long hair, and I totally know it takes more than a simple hairbrush!

One product I live off when I wake up with crazy hair is a grooming crème. This works especially great when you have wavy hair. If you have a few extra minutes, flatiron the ends and tip if your hair to sharpen the look. Then using a grooming crème or even hairspray would work, take a pea-sized amount and apply to the tips of your hair. This will not only texturize but it will also bring out more wave.


Image Courtesy of Sephora | via

If you don’t want to texturize, you can also do the complete opposite of slicking it. This pretty much means putting your hair into a simple ponytail but a more modern, sleek and fun look! Begin with prep damp and clean hair with a light mousse. Then blow dry your hair while smoothing the hair back into a ponytail shape. Finish the look with a spray of hairspray and begin smoothing your hair out. a really popular thing I have seen around is wrapping one inch section of the pony tail around a curling iron to give it a bounce. You can then end off the hair with a shining spray.

Don’t want to pull out all those tools and products? Check out one of my favourite blogger, Wendy’s Lookbook, as she tutorial an everyday updo. The look requires a few clips and only a few minutes. It is the perfect cute but didn’t try too hard look! Check out her video and tutorial here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G2SZDvuVtU

By the way, if you don’t follow Wendy’s LookBook on Instagram, you should most definitely check her out!

If you have shorthair and want to tackle messy hair using a headband! I love this tutorial on simple look for short hair using beautiful headbands. A head scarf also works! It adds a great accessory to the hair! This is also a very easy look, all it takes is hairbrush and a headband! 

Image Courtesy of S Media | via

Still too much to do before heading out in the morning, try this overnight process of getting subtle waves. All you have to do is apply dry shampoo to your hair the night before and then sleep with a messy top knot. In the morning when you wake up, your hair would look amazing!

Image Courtesy of Me On The Go | via